LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio | CompieQu

Sunday, May 16, 2010

LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio

LMMSLinux MultiMedia Studio or LMMS is a free software that allows you to produce music similar to programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic which are commercial products. It comes with user-friendly interface, LMMS combines Song-Editor with powerful instrument and effect-plugins invite the user to have fun with the program and the process. LMMS compatible with many standards such as SoundFont2, VST(i), LADSPA, GUS Patches, and MIDI.

LMMS lets the user to edit and process music at various level. You can do adjustment, loops or anything from the sample track. You can also drag sampled sounds into the Beat+Bassline-Editor for creating beats and basslines and a new track will appear in the window.

The Song Editor.

The Piano Roll window.

For more information visit LMMS website

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